Tic Tac Toe
This game is a clean, simple, TicTacToe game with individual accounts for each user. Play with yourself or with a friend by your side. Looking at this project compared to the others shows my growth during my 3 months at General Assembly
Deployed Site
GitHub Client Repo
Technologies Used
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars, Bootstrap, Ajax
Planning Process
I broke up the main work into four problems: - Authentication API - HTML/CSS build - Game Logic - Game API. Within each section I went about this project one small problem at a time. I spend a lot of the planning proccess looking over the docs for the API and thinking of some approaches to take. Once I had a working game and MVP I made tweaks to make it run a little smoother. I then went and make it look a bit more visually appealing.
User Stories
- As a game user I want to be able to play by myself so that I dont need to worry about a computer.
- As a game user I want to be able to Log in with my own account so the app knows its me.
- As a game user I want to be able to have a secure account for keeping my data safe.
- As a game suer I want to play a game that is visually appealing so that I want to keep playing.