
A place to store what movies or television shows you've watched and what you think about them. Ever forget the millions of movies and shows youve watched? Me too. With iWatchedIt you can store everything you watch and what you thought to reference later or share with a friend.

Deployed Site
GitHub Client Repo
GitHub API Repo

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Bcrypt/Passport

Planning Process

When I was comming up with a project idea, I wanted to do something practical and useful. The main focus of the project was to store something in a database and create a front end to access it. During the quarantine time of 2020 I watched a lot of shows and movies and many friends were asking for reccomendations. I thought it would be cool if there was a list of everything I watched so I could remember everything(there were A LOT of shows). I first planned out the models, which consisted of a user model and an array of movies nested within that model. I set up the movies model with typical inputs people would want to save about the things they watched.

User Stories

  • As a user I want to be able to save my thought on different movies I have watched.
  • As a user I would like to access a list of movies I watched.
  • As a user I would like to make a list of my favorite movies.
  • As a user I want to be able to have my own account that is secure to store my movie watching data.