Homepage Depot
Homepage Depot is a full stack E-Commerce application integrated with the Stripe API to allow users to authenticate, add products to a shopping cart, and make secure purchases with a credit card.
Deployed Site
GitHub Client Repo
GitHub API Repo
Technologies Used
HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, React, Node, Stripe, Lodash, Axios, Bootstrap
Planning Process
After solidifying our idea for a project, our development team discussed our individual visions for the app and features that were important to include in an E-Commerce site. After setting up both repos, we began looking at user functionality for a new customer and setting up corresponding routes on our database. Our group's first notable issue emerged when dealing with nested routes, when defining the path from the shopping cart to checkout. This was a learning experience highlighting the complexities of nested routes. Another notably complex issue emerged when attempting to set up purchase history as an array, eventually though debugging we updated our code to include a .map method instead of a .forEach to correctly display the data. Generally our group worked together to develop and debug code, which proved to be an efficient workflow. As a group we communicated efficiently and periodically recalibrated our ways of attacking problems as our working relationship progressed. Collectively our group did well in defining our goals and adapting over the course of the project to ensure that we put forward our best effort.
User Stories
- As a user I want to be able to add products to my cart.
- As a user, I want to be able to search for a product by its name.
- As a user, I want to be able to access my purchase history.
- As a user, I want to be able to view my cart.