Music Voting Back-End API && Discord Bot

discord bot

This api stores weekly album choices set by an admin and votes made by users. Along with the API there is a bot that can make requests via commands to the api. The bot is used for setting weekly ablums and accepting votes from users to be stored and a winner is found at the end of the week.

Deployed Admin Site
GitHub Repo

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, React, Node, Axios, Bootstrap, Discord.js, Discord

Planning Process

I was talking to a friend about how I was building an API and client for a final project and after I explained how it worked, he mentioned how that would useful for the discord music channel we are a part of. I layed out the models and what routes would be needed and went from there. It was a learning process as the project went on, I took what I knew about making server requests and my knowledge of JavaScript and applied it to what I learned from the Discord Docs.

User Stories

  • As a user I want to be able to store votes and weekly albums
  • As a user, I want to view the current albums
  • As a admin user, I want to be able to view votes.
  • As a admin user, I want to be able to set and updates weekly albums to be voted on.